On 20 May 2019, to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Battle of Crete, families of veterans from the UK and the countries of the Commonwealth will join descendants of Cretan comrades to lay wreaths at the annual service of commemoration of the Battle of Crete at the Commonwealth War Graves cemetery at Souda Bay, Chania. Representatives from the Greek...
During my trip to Scotland, last week, I had the chance to visit the Black Watch museum in Perth, an incredible location on our way from Edinburgh to Inverness. The Black Watch museum is inside Balhousie castle, a spectacular building with a wonderful park outside. Balhousie Castle sits on the edge of the North Inch in Perth. The origins...

German Airpower

The battle of Crete can be broken down into 3 separate elements. Land, Sea & Air. Looking at each element in it’s own right helps us to understand where the battle was won & lost. German intelligence greatly underestimated the number of allied troops on Crete. They predicted about 5000-15,000 when the true number was closer to 40,000. The Kriegsmarine knew...
Important note *The following itinerary is describing basic and general information to safeguard the schedule and the copyrights. If you wish to know more about the analytic schedule please feel free to contact us via e-mail (info@gstours.gr) or telephone (+302821043243). Introduction On May 20th 1941, world's history changed forever. The battle of Crete, or "operation Mercury" was one of the...
Adolf Hitler authorized Unternehmen Merkur (named after the swift Roman god Mercury) with Directive 28 the forces used were to come from airborne and air units already in the area and units intended for Unternehmen Barbarossa were to conclude operations before the end of May, Barbarossa was not to be delayed by the attack on Crete, which had to...